Legal notice

General Information

The titleholder of (further known as, the “Web Site”) is ALBACETE INDUSTRIAL, S.A. (“Titleholder“).

Identification Information:
Tax Identification Code: A02108728
Registration Inscription: R.M Albacete, Volume 372, Document 191, Page AB-3004
Costumer Service Phone Number: +34 687 02 77 77
Customer Service Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Responsibilities and Web Site Use

In order to use the Web Site , the acceptance of the present legal notice is an indispensable condition and the Privacy Policy. The conditions of buying-selling and the delivery of the products are regulated y the legal text destined for that effect.
The user promises to responsibly use the Web Site, leaving the Titleholder unharmed from any unauthorized use of the same or its content, the user assuming all responsibility for such actions. reserves the right to modify the present legal notice when necessary in order to correct the operation of the web site. Notice of any substantial modifications that could affect the Rights of the users will be given prior, therefore the conditions accepted by the users after receipt of said changes will be considered accepted by the user upon accessing the Web Site.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All of the content on the Web Site, domain name, brands, shoe designs, bags, accessories that appear on the Web Site are the property of the Titleholder.
None of the content of the Web Site, including the present Legal Notice, is able to be the object of reproduction in full or in part, distribution, transformation, exploitation, commercialization by the user o by a third party without showing authorization of the Titleholder with said rights. Said authorization can be applied for by sending an email to
The content, brands, logotypes of the Titleholder that could appear on the Web Site belong to the respective proprietors, them being the responsible people to whom one must turn to with regards to their property or any other controversy that might arise. The publication of other cited elements on the Web Site has been done with previous authorization by their titleholders.

Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction

The Web Site is governed by Spanish law. All the controversy about the Web Site or Legal Notice o the interpretation or application of their regulation, will be subject to the Jurisdiction of the Courts of the City of Valencia, Spain.